Girls Tackling Eating Disorders in Bite Size Campaign

A girls group has created a campaign to highlight awareness of eating disorders amongst young people. 

The West End Girls (WEGs) group, run by One Voice Blackburn will launch their ‘Let’s Stop the Stigma’ project in early 2022.

Around 1.25 million people in the UK have an eating disorder but our girls group felt that it was still not talked about as openly as it should be in society and not recognised as a complex mental illness. 

The teenage girls have been working since September to create a digital and print campaign to better understand eating disorders and find a way to support people of all ages, but particularly the young.

Safiyyah Hanslod has led the project alongside sister Zainab Hanslod, and WEGs colleague Aliyah Bangi. They have utilised their time at the girls group on weekends to develop the project alongside health and engagement professionals.

The campaign explains the main eating disorders which exist in the UK, and also offers guidance and support through organisations such as Kooth, Beats and school mental health services.

“I have really enjoyed working on this project as I feel it is something that affects many young people”, said 14 year old Saffiyah, “Those young people often keep silent about eating disorders and do not know where to turn for help. We have created this campaign to ensure that more people talk about this issue.”

For more information and support:

Schools Mental Health Support Team:

The Mental Health Support Team provide individual and group therapy for secondary aged children and young people who experience mild/moderate anxiety and low mood.  The MHST is based within all of the Secondary schools in Blackburn with Darwen.  Referrals can be made either through your school, the School Nursing Team or through consultation with the Primary Mental Health Team linked to GP surgeries.
Contact: 01282 803397