One Voice Blackburn seeks to give a voice to those who are often overlooked in society, particularly young people and women. Our member groups participate in a wide range of activities, including public speaking opportunities, which empower our members to speak out on issues that affect them and co-produce campaigns and engagement events to address these issues.

One Voice Blackburn also provides opportunities for women to gain employability skills, gain accreditations and move into volunteering and work opportunities both through our organisation and partner organisations across the borough.
Right from the launch of the charity it has been our aim to uplift marginalised communities and empower elements of those groups that are under represented. What does this look like in practice? Well, we have young females from South Asian heritage and refugee communities hosting some of the biggest events in our town. We also empower through engagement, campaigns and sporting projects. Our membership is around 70 per cent female. While we are by no means a female only charity we focus strongly on female empowerment and representation.

We also work with local, regional and national agencies to look at areas where we can promote individuals from marginalised communities. We also provide a platform for their views to be heard at decision making levels.