MEMBERSHIP FORM First Name Last Name Street City County Country Post Code Parent's Name (if participant is under 16) Parents First Name: Parents Last Name: Parents Contact Telephone Number: Email 1V Groups:--None--West End Girls (WEGs) WEGs ProActive Mini West End Girls (Mini WEGs) East End Boys (EEBs) East End Boys Sport (EEBs Sport) Mini East End Boys (Mini EEBs) 1V Cricket Academy 1V Junior Netball Do you (or your child) have any long term illnesses, health problems or disability that limits their activities? If yes, please use the space below to record the information: Authorisations - I authorise the following person to collect my child from the session if I am not available *Applicable for children under 16 Authorising First Name: Authorising Last Name: Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Contact Mobile: Emergency Contact Relation: Photo Consent: